ARTWA Co.,Ltd.
Artwa is striving to solve environmental issues more beautifully.
Artwa focuses on the environment, beauty, and users all.
From technology to design, it is made directly by Artwa.
ARTWA stands for Art on the Water,
We solve environmental issues beautifully.
– 2020.11 Korea Water Industry Innovation Startup Competition Grand Prize (Minister of Environment Award)
– 2021.01 Korea Water Resources Corporation’s cooperative startup selection
– 2021.02 Daedeok Special Zone Accelerating Program Selection (Company A, Limited)
– 2021.04 Daejeon Creative Economy Innovation Center Social Impact Changers Selection/Agreement
– 2021.05 Establishment of a corporation (Artwa Co., Ltd.)
– 2021.05 Eco-startup pre-startup sector maximum project cost agreement (70 million won) (Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute)
– 2021.05 Korea Water Resources Corporation Startup Club League 1st prize (Korea Water Resources Corporation President)
– 2021.05 Daejeon Information & Culture Industry Promotion Agency National Human Resources Development Consortium Agreement
– 2021.06 Korea Technology Finance Corporation Social Venture Certification
– 2021.07 Korea Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) Technology Transfer
– 2021.07 KDB Startup 2021 Incubation Team Selection
– 2021.08 Start-up 300 finals (Certificate of Minister of Education)
– 2021.08 D-Bridge Support Project Agreement (Daejeon Creative Economy Innovation Center)
– 2021.08 Green Impact Acceleration Selection (Chungcheongnam-do Creative Economy Innovation Center)
– 2021.08 KTB VENTURE CHALLENGE 2021 Selection
– 2021.08 2021 Social Impact Changers 2nd genetaion completed
– 2021.09 2021 Startup Idea Contest 3rd prize (Daejeon Center for Creative Economy & Innovation)
– 2021.09 2021 Winner of the Best Idea Award at the 2021 Environmental Start-up Competition (Minister of Environment Award)
– 2021.09 Winner of the Student Affairs Department in the Idea category of the 2021 Marine Fisheries Startup Contest (Minister of Oceans and Fisheries Award)
– 2021.09 Grand Prize at Ocean Business Entrepreneurship Contest (Minister of Ocean and Fisheries Award)
– 2021.10 Sponsors’ Award for Social Venture Competition (SK Happiness Sharing Foundation Innovation Award)
CEO Dongwoo Kang
Master of Entrepreneurship of KAIST Graduate School of Culture Technology / NGWA International Water Society Korea Representative Steering Committee
When you ask people if they should protect the environment, nine out of ten say of course yes. However, if you ask them what they’re doing to protect the environment or what kind of environmental moves they know, most of them can’t answer. The environment can be protected through continuous attention, and which should be a daily routine in our lives.
Water is inseparable from our lives. Accordingly, solutions for next-generation water management are being proposed around the world, and cutting-edge technologies such as robots and AI are making this possible. A new water culture will come to Korea as well. Artwa will present beautiful water beyond cleanliness through the fusion of technology and art, the harmony of environment and landscape.